Led by the bombastic and slightly mental Jeremiah Baptiste, the eponymous company does a bit of everything, from investigating people’s past lives to launching missions into outer space. Consider the show a grand tour of the world’s most ludicrous enterprise. Is the company destined for success? Doomed to failure? IT MATTERS.
So, what should you expect? Think the traditions of Monty Python, Fry & Laurie and The League of Gentlemen, mixed in a lunch box with some bats and the worst job you’ve ever had – but mostly just the lunch box. From the team that brought you comedy plays The Probleming (★★★★ - Views from the Gods) and Pilgrim Shadow (★★★★ - Remote Goat).
The show will run at the Etcetera Theatre in Camden, London for three evening performances - Thursday 16th, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April 2015. 7.30pm. Tickets are £9 (£8 concessions) and available at www.etceteratheatre.com. BOOK NOW (or later, just eventually).
Starring Cliff Chapman, Emma Stirling, Adam Joselyn, Ellen Gallagher & Steve Jordan. Written by Steve Jordan, Ellen Gallagher, Adam Joselyn & Graeme Hurry.