Steve Jordan (writer/director/producer), Ellen Gallagher (Producer), Cliff Chapman ('Tyler Smith') and Robert Dearn ('King Jeffrey') sat down with Views from the Gods to discuss all things King Chaos.
VFTG: ...has this been a difficult third album?
SJ: Pilgrim and King Chaos were essentially written back-to-back. Chaos has had a lot of rewrites since, but I always saw Chaos to be the payoff for Pilgrim Shadow. Tonally it's a nice even balance between Pilgrim Shadow and Dead Static. The characters, as they've developed, you get those characters again but the situation they're in is the most important they have been in - their actions have deep, vast consequences for the entire galaxy, not just them. That instantly brings quite an edgy concept to it.
EG: It's quite satirical. That wasn't the intention when we started drafting it, but there's references to current affairs that have come about.
Read the entire interview HERE.